Child Evangelism Fellowship of Indiana, Inc., Northwest Indiana Chapter
New Adult Volunteers (18 yrs and older)
FIRST: Gather all of the information you will need for the application.
Name of your Good News Club (or if hosting a 5-Day Club, state the last name of 5-Day Club host; if fair volunteer, state name/location of fair)
References information: Name, address, phone number and email. One reference needs to be your pastor or a church leader, one needs to be a previous employer, and two personal references (not relatives).
SECOND: Complete each of the following prior to applying online. (TIP: If the link you click in the any of the steps below does not take you to a new browser tab, make sure to click the arrow-back at the left side on the top of the page to return you to this view. If a new tab or field opens, simple close the tab after you click submit.)
1. Read the CEF Statement of Faith then return to this page.
2. Read the USA Child Protection Policy. (This policy is referenced in the video below. The content of the video is also accessible for listening by calling 1-866-878-4182.)