Child Evangelism Fellowship of Indiana - Northwest Chapter

CEF is a Bible-centered, worldwide mission organization composed of born-again believers whose purpose is to evangelize children with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and to establish (disciple) in the Word of God and in a local church for Christian living. CEF wants to reach the children with the Gospel. Our concern in seeking to evangelize the children is so that "not one of these little ones should perish."

CEF Main Ministries


see more on "Clubs & Ministries" page

We are hiring in LaPorte County! Call 219-465-0201 or email Nwioffice@cefindiana for more details.

Good News Clubs

Reaching Children Where They Are During the School Year

5-Day Clubs

Taking the Gospel to the Neighborhood during the summer

Teacher Training

Producing Ministry Practitioners who can Actually "Do Ministry" with Children

Christian Youth in Action

Our Summer missionaries and assistants train to serve in our fun summer 5-Day Club Ministry!  Meet other teens and young people from around the State of Indiana, make new friends, and experience a life-changing summer as you participate in this ministry!  Watch for our application line to open in early 2025!